Bangladeshi Workers in Maldives

Maldives Sends USD 31 Million in Remittances to Bangladesh

Bangladeshi workers in the Maldives have sent USD 31 million back home in remittances, according to a Bangladeshi bank report.

Between July last year and April this year, USD 31.69 million was transferred from the Maldives, placing it 24th among the top 30 countries for remittances to Bangladesh. Leading the list were countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, the UK, the USA, Oman, Malaysia, and Kuwait.

The Maldives hosts a significant number of Bangladeshi workers, although recruitment has been suspended due to a cap set by employment law, limiting the number of workers from any one country to 100,000. Recent statistics from the Economic Ministry indicated that 139,220 Bangladeshis are employed in the Maldives, while the current government's immigration data shows 90,624 Bangladeshi workers.
